Previous works have traversed the density of the urban, whilst en-
abling specific experiences of the local. He engages audiences in
the process of viewing and listening (discovering, exploring…).
Considerations of space are at the heart of his questions concern-
ing politics in a sense that space can be both a reflection of a po-
litical atmosphere as well as being a site for which to extend politi-
cal ambitions.
He has been involved extensively in
mapping areas and constructing vi-
sual and text based “narratives” con-
fronting the specific sites of inquiry. He
also works under the name of e-Xplo
( e-Xplo is the frame-
work for the collaboration with Erin Mc-
Gonigle and Rene Gabri.
Their collaborative work many times
manifested itself in the form of nightly
bus-tours through different cities in
which the articulation of individual nar-
ratives and their approaches to larger
references became a highly charged
site. Other works include Radio plays,
Performances, Walks, Videos and Films.
Installations and performances have
been produced for and presented at:
ICA, London; PS1/Moma, New York; 8th
Sharjah Biennale; Academy of Art, Ber-
lin; Wexner Center, Columbus/Ohio; Bal-
tic, Newcastle; White Chapel Art Gallery,
London; Shedhalle Zürich; Transmedia-
le, Berlin, Gallery Andreas Huber, Wien;
During his residency in Peking Lattner
researched the contemporary history
of China based on the latest schol-
arly research. He took extensive walks
through the city engaging with the
“general public” in order to trace the
actual manifestations of the reform pro-
cess since 1989. The works in the exhibi-
tion include a hand-draw map on which
the various steps and historical events
are indicated and linked. Another work
resulted from his engagement with a
small community facing eviction from
their homes due to massive urban re-
newal in pre-Olympia Peking.
Heimo Lattner - The Last Picture (afterthought)
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