Editor1's blog

Chuen Men 串门儿 - exhibition 2011 798, Beijing

"chuan men" - "Visit your Friend’s House"

ASAP Catalogue 2010 DOWNLOAD in Low resoloution or high resoloution

The 160 pages catalogue, is available at following stores: Timezone 8, UCCA bookstore in Beijing

order by e-mailing to beijing@austrosinoartsprogram.org
CATALOG COVER_karel_new1-web.jpg
DOWNLOAD HERE - low resolution AsAp_web_LR_katalog_2010_5MB.pdf (4.78 MB)
DOWNLOAD HERE - high resolution AsAp_web_HR_katalog_2010_58MB.pdf (55.16 MB)

Letizia Werth

My artwork deals with everyday life and its hidden contradictions and inconsistencies. I work with material and objekts of my surrounding, it can be casual found objects, such as dust from a corner of a room or old family photografs of which I create drawings, installations and videos of sometimes frightening beauty, on closer inspection, the works are irritating and dirty.

Liu Tao - 刘涛

“Hungry Beijing” is a self-portrait series,it is a record of my travel in foggy Beijing.

Beijing to me is not only geographic city,it is also a city covered in my mind, it is so majestic, full of taboo, let your mind always hungry, cause rhapsody of tasting freeness.

Anton Petz


Ulrike Johannsen
