Editor1's blog

Ralo Mayer – I have no idea about this place but I am going to promote it


In 2008 the magazine of the German Max Planck Research Institute wanted some traditional Chinese calligraphy as nice decoration for its focus on China and published 5,000 copies with a cover that featured an advertisement for a brothel. Indeed one fabulous example of an idiotic Western fable for the “exotic Oriental touch,” and a great intro for this work. Thank you!

Rainer Prohaska – Enter Beijing


Beginning with one of Beijing’s most common modes of transportation, the
Chinese three-wheel pedicab, known as “sanlunche” in Mandarin, Prohaska traveled the streets of Beijing.

Kamen Stoyanov - Artzone-Timezone



In his newest project, Artzone-Timezone, Kamen Stoyanov goes into the 798 Art District in Beijing to familiarize himself with the works of art there and to understand the role of imported Western marketing mechanisms. From this, he develops a hip-hop song sung by two Chinese musicians to show the intersection of art and entertainment.

In the previous project, Which one should I buy, Stoyanov invites two collectors and two gallery owners to participate in a game.

ASAP Catalogue 2009

The 120 pages catalogue, is available at following stores: Timezone 8 in Beijing

order by e-mailing to beijing@austrosinoartsprogram.org


Getting Involved

ASAP is currently collecting biographical and project information on all current and past Austrian artists who have worked in China as well as Chinese artists who have worked in Austria.

Please send the following details to vienna@austrosinoartsprogram.org

Full name
Date of time in China/Austria
Location while in China/Austria
If publicly funded - please list funding body
Any other general information regarding your project that you would like to share