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Bernhard Gwiggner and Anja Ronacher exhibition at Huantie Art Museum 2012.09.15 until 2012.09.30

Anja Ronacher

food container, a forest, a skull, spade shaped money, observatory Void/Form is a photographic note on the history of art as cult objects and objects of everyday use. The archaic objects, the forest, observatory and draperies photographed connect us with the people from the past. In the gaping time the photographic image opens history shows itself.

Bernhard Gwiggner

大学 , The Great Learning, Das Große Lernen

Translation, Humans—Machines, not so easy (an experiment)

Translation, Humans—Machines, not so easy

After four annual efforts of translating various kinds of artistic, poetic, abstract, solid and lucid writings accompanying or describing artwork in the ASAP exhibitions I felt the time is right to jot down some comments and notes on the experiences collected.

dextro - coding/animation

on non-linear processes and non-objective

Moira Zoitl & Ralf Hoedt

In their artistic practice Moira Zoitl and Ralf Hoedt mainly deal with issues like migration, gender and (auto)biography, as well as architectural settings and city development.

Kathryn Zazenski

Central to my work is the relationship of applied and implied emotion in communication, specically within language and word
systems. Using these structures to inspire new visual relationships and patterns, I create the opportunity to experience these ideas in unconventional ways. I am fascinated by the possibility that lies within perceived absolutes, and the duality of the vital yet arbitrary nature of these constructed systems.